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  • Writer's pictureAdam German

Japan self-storage customers report too little space in their apartments

Updated: Apr 18

Osaka based Ambitious, which operates franchises for Storage Pit, a trunk room investment, announced on April 16th the results of a survey conducted on the concerns related to housing experienced by those who recently began to live alone.  


The survey targeted current users of trunk rooms and was conducted via the internet from March 6 to 11, with 400 responses. 


No hard data was provided about the ages of respondents, but the survey methodology notes refer to those who recently began living alone due to university or work, thus leading the imagination to those in their mid-twenties to early thirties. 

Young man in Japan looking at self storage units


Regarding the layout of rooms of respondents, 1K, 1DK, and 1LDK were found to be the mainstream, accounting for about 80% of the total.  


As for household chores when living alone, 85.6% of respondents answered that they find it "difficult."

The top three challenging chores were "accumulation of laundry" (69.6%), "bringing in and storing laundry" (49.1%), and "cooking for one person" (48.4%).  


Following these were "cleaning the bathroom and toilet" (41.6%), "tidying up the room" (34.2%), and "organizing" (14.9%). 


Regarding the reasons for feeling overwhelmed, "the hassle of laundry, bringing it in, and storage" (45.6%), "not being able to cook the right amount" (41.9%), and "cleaning the bathroom and toilet, which is troublesome" (40.6%) ranked high.  


On the other hand, issues related to insufficient storage, such as "lack of space for laundry and drying" and "even if I tidy up, it gets messy quickly" (both 30.0%), also ranked high.  


When asked if respondents think household chores would have been a bit easier with more space for chores and storage, 83.7% answered "yes." 



R.E. Port News (Japanese only) 


Ambitious Press Release (Japanese only) 


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