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  • Writer's pictureAdam German

April 2024 Japan multi-family building average price drops while condo prices rise

On May 1st, Kenbiya unveiled its April 2024 Income Property Market Trends Report.  


Kenbiya is a Japan property portal that focuses entirely on income generating properties with most listings being residential.  

The data presented is derived from listings advertised on the portal site by agents who pay the company to list on-market properties for sale.  

The properties are broken down into three categories to include strata title condominiums, wood-frame apartment buildings, and multi-family RC buildings. 

The price and yield data are nationwide averages and in no way guarantee matching performance. Real estate is a hyper-local investment, and variations will exist. Always consult a licensed realtor for your property specific needs. 

Kenbiya April 2024 Japan Income Property Average Price Yield Data

Courtesy of Kenbiya, translated by Patience Realty. 

In April, the average price of condominiums rose to ¥19.4 million, marking a reversal from two consecutive months of decline, with a 5.61% increase over the previous month. The average gross yield decreased slightly to 6.87%. 

Apartment building prices declined to ¥76.33 million, down by 4.40%, following two months of consecutive growth. However, the gross yield increased to 8.19%. 

Multi-family RC building prices decreased to an average of ¥179.48 million, down by 2.09%, with a corresponding increase in the average gross yield to 7.71%. 

Further Reading: 

Kenbiya April 2024 Income Property Market Trends Report (Japanese only) 

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R.E. Port News (Japanese only) 
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